Information for Y Club Academy before and after school programs at schools in the Shawnee Mission School District. Visit our FAQ and Forms page for more information about this program and the registration process.
TIME: 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
FEES: $75/week before only, $90/week after only, $99/week before and after.
PART TIME FEES: $70/week before only, $85/week after only, $94/week before and after
REGISTRATION: $75 registration fee
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open.
Registration is available below for full-time care before school, after school or both. Limited part-time care spots are available. Please complete and submit a downloadable PDF form for part-time enrollment.
Y Club Academy before and after school offers learning support and academic enrichment for grades K-6 in a fun and safe environment. Programs offer a solution for working families needing school-age child care or any family seeking academic support.
Registration closes when a site reaches capacity. If a site capacity is reached you may request to be placed on the interest list by submitting a paper registration form. Minimum program enrollment numbers must be met for a program to occur. You must register by August 6, 2024 to be eligible for a first day of school start date. Your email receipt will serve as a registration confirmation.
Apache - Full
Apache Elementary is a Free and Reduced Lunch site.
Financial assistance is available on a limited basis for families that qualify for free and reduced lunch. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Please submit a paper registration form and a copy of your free or reduced lunch letter from the school district to qualify.
School address:
8910 Goddard, Overland Park, KS 66214
Apache Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Belinder - Limited Availability
School address:
7230 Belinder, Prairie Village, KS 66208
Belinder Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Belinder Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Belinder Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Bluejacket-Flint - Full
School address:
11615 W 49th Terrace, Shawnee, KS 66203
Bluejacket Flint Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Bluejacket Flint Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Bluejacket Flint Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Brookridge - Limited Availability
School address:
9920 Lowell, Overland Park, KS 66212
Brookridge Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Brookridge Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Brookridge Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Christa MCAuliffe - Limited Availability
School address:
15600 W 83rd Street, Lenexa, KS 66219
Christa MCAuliffe Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Christa MCAuliffe Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Christa MCAuliffe Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Comanche Elementary is a Free and Reduced Lunch site.
Financial assistance is available on a limited basis for families that qualify for free and reduced lunch. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Please submit a paper registration form and a copy of your free or reduced lunch letter from the school district to qualify.
School address:
8200 Grant, Overland Park, KS 66204
Comanche Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Crestview - Full
Crestview is a Free and Reduced Lunch site.
Financial assistance is available on a limited basis for families that qualify for free and reduced lunch. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Please submit a paper registration form and a copy of your free or reduced lunch letter from the school district to qualify.
School address:
6101 Craig Road, Merriam, KS 66202
Crestview Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
East Antioch - Limited Availability
School address:
7342 Lowell, Overland Park, KS 66204
East Antioch Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
East Antioch Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
East Antioch Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
School address:
6200 Roe Ave., Mission, KS 66205
Highlands Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Highlands Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Highlands Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Nieman - Full
Nieman Elementary is a free or reduced lunch rate site.
Financial assistance is available on a limited basis for families that qualify for free and reduced lunch. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Please submit a paper registration form and a copy of your free or reduced lunch letter from the school district to qualify.
School address:
10917 W. 67th Street, Shawnee, KS 66203
Nieman Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Overland Park - Full
Overland Park Elementary is a free or reduced lunch rate site.
Financial assistance is available on a limited basis for families that qualify for free and reduced lunch. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Please submit a paper registration form and a copy of your free or reduced lunch letter from the school district to qualify.
School address:
8150 Santa Fe, Overland Park, KS 66208
Overland Park Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Pawnee - Limited Availability
School address:
9501 W 91st Street, Overland Park, KS 66212
Pawnee Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Pawnee Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Pawnee Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Prairie - Limited Availability
School address:
6642 Mission Road, Prairie Village, KS 66208
Prairie Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Prairie Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Prairie Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Ray Marsh - Limited Availability
School address:
5642 Rosehill, Shawnee, KS 66216
Ray Marsh Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Ray Marsh Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Ray Marsh Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Roesland - Limited Availability
School address:
4900 Parish, Roeland Park, KS 66205
Roesland Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Roesland Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Roesland Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Rosehill Elementary is a Free and Reduced Lunch site.
Financial assistance is available on a limited basis for families that qualify for free and reduced lunch. Scholarships are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Please submit a paper registration form and a copy of your free or reduced lunch letter from the school district to qualify.
Rosehill Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Santa Fe Trail
School address:
7100 Lamar, Overland Park, KS 66204
Santa Fe Trail Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Santa Fe Trail Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Santa Fe Trail Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
School address:
2511W 50th Street, Westwood, KS 66205
Westwood Y Club Academy - 24-25 (a) Bef/Aft
Register Now
Westwood Y Club Academy - 24-25 (b) Before
Register Now
Westwood Y Club Academy - 24-25 (c) After
Register Now
Registration Forms
Se recomienda encarecidamente el registro en línea por la conveniencia y el poco tiempo de procesamiento que lleva, sin embargo se requieren formularios de inscripción en papel o de forma manual para aquellas familias que solicitan cuidado a medio tiempo, familias que pagan con fondos DCF de Kansas o familias que solicitan asistencia financiera del YMCA.
Hay un formulario de inscripción por separado para los sitios de Y Club que ofrecen tarifas de almuerzo a costo reducido. Los formularios en papel son necesarios para las familias que califican para recibir almuerzos gratis o a precio reducido y que están solicitan una beca. Por favor envía una copia de tu carta de almuerzo gratis o a precio reducido del distrito escolar a lo largo de su formulario de inscripción.
Descarga el formulario de inscripción manual o en papel usando el botón a continuación. Visita nuestra página de Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ) y Formularios para obtener información sobre cómo enviar un formulario de inscripción en papel.
Information Packets
Se recomienda encarecidamente el registro en línea por la conveniencia y el poco tiempo de procesamiento que lleva, sin embargo se requieren formularios de inscripción en papel o de forma manual para aquellas familias que solicitan cuidado a medio tiempo, familias que pagan con fondos DCF de Kansas o familias que solicitan asistencia financiera del YMCA.
Descarga el formulario de inscripción en papel usando el botón a continuación. Visita nuestra página de Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ) y Formularios para obtener información sobre cómo enviar un formulario de registro en papel.
No School Days
Para aquellos días irregulares en los que no hay escuela, como los descansos de temporada, los días de conferencias y los días de servicio, la Y ofrece los Día Sin Escuela. No se ofrecen Día Sin Escuela en el campus de Academie Lafayette Cherry Street. Las fechas para el año escolar 2018-19 se anunciarán cerca del inicio del año escolar.