You’re Part of Something Bigger
When you work at the Y, you’re part of a respected nonprofit organization with local impact that’s part of a national and international network started more than 175 years ago. The Y Movement is known for hiring good people who do great things.
Every day is something new
When you work at Y, every day is a new adventure. Personal satisfaction comes from the evolving needs to nurture the potential of youth and teens, improve the nation's health and well-being and provide support to our neighbors.
Free Y membership
When you work for the Y, you’ll enjoy the perks of being a Y member including access to all 11 Y centers and discounts on programs, child care and summer day camp.
Jobs fit a variety of schedules
The Y has jobs that are ideal for students and non-students as well as the career-minded and professionals
The best coworkers ever
At the Y, you’ll work among others who share a mission of creating a welcoming, safe, inclusive atmosphere for all ages in greater Kansas City. Plus, it’s a great place to make new lifelong friends that share a desire to make our community a better place.
Additionally, Y benefits include availability of health insurance, ability to establish a retirement plan based on your salary with no requirement for you to contribute,* training, professional development and competitive pay.