The New American Welcome Center provides support through a combination of integration services, collaborations with community leaders and businesses, and strategies to connect and build cross-cultural understanding between immigrants and U.S.-born residents.
Through the NAWC and other efforts, the North Kansas City YMCA has:
- Organized more than 20 regional bridge-building and welcoming week events.
- Helped more than 150 people graduate from the English as a Second Language program.
- Helped immigrants pursue their dreams of becoming American citizens including hosting naturalization ceremonies.
- Supported new Americans and others in our community through food distribution programs, helping to prevent hunger for those unsure of where their next meal will come from. So far, the North Kansas City YMCA has distributed 257,707 pounds of food to a total of 29,679 individuals to help fight hunger.
- Promoted inclusion, dignity and equality throughout all of our programs.
For more information, visit the North Kansas City YMCA or call 816.300.0531.