


Mid-America Regional Council to Host Head Start Mass Application Events

3 Children in the Head Start program jumping in jumping bags on the Kansas City YMCA playground.

The Mid-America Regional Council is hosting Mass Application Events in Clay, Platte and Jackson counties throughout the months of March, April and May for YMCA Head Start programs.


Created in 1965, Head Start is the most successful, longest-running, national school readiness program in the United States. Eligible children receive education, nutrition and health services from YMCA Head Start programs which are federally funded. YMCA Head Start services are available for families that meet income eligibility guidelines or have a child with a diagnosed disability.


Questions about enrolling with YMCA Head Start and Early Head Start programs? Contact Melissa Ussery at or 816.886.4501.


LEARN MORE | YMCA Head Start Programs


YMCA Mass Application Events
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (last application taken at 3:15 p.m., no appointment needed)


Thursday, March 5
Thomas Roque YMCA Head Start
3800 E 51st Street
Kansas City, MO 64130


Thursday, March 14
Northland YMCA Head Start
3100 NE 83rd Street
Kansas City, MO 64119


Thursday, April 4
North Kansas City YMCA
1999 Iron Street
North Kansas City, MO 64116


Wednesday, April 24
Thomas Roque YMCA Head Start
3800 E 51st Street
Kansas City, MO 64130


Thursday, May 2
St. James Lutheran Church
1104 NE Vivion Road
Kansas City, MO 64118


Tuesday, May 21
Columbus Park YMCA Head Start
1100 E 4th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106


The following documents are required to apply:

  • Proof of birth or proof of pregnancy for each child.
  • Proof of 12 months of income (e.g. most current tax return, W-2 and/ or paystubs, SSI, SNAP, TANF, 12 months of child support, Pell Grants or scholarships if applicable)
  • Proof of residency for Jackson, Clay or Platte counties. Proof of residency can include a utility bill, rental contact or Missouri state property tax receipt with your current address.


Additional items are needed to complete your child’s enrollment. If you have these items, please bring them when you apply:

  • Insurance or Medicaid card for your child.
  • Child’s current shot/vaccination record.
  • Physical exam — Within first 90 days of enrollment.
  • Dental exam — Within the first 90 days of enrollment.
  • Lead and hemoglobin tests.
  • Individualized Care Plan for children based on medical needs, e.g. asthma action plan (if applicable).
  • IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) or IEP (Individualized Education Plan), if applicable.


Applications will be completed on a walk in basis. No appointment is necessary. 


If you have questions or need to request an interpreter, please call MARC Head Start at 816.841.3382 or email


YMCA Head Start Careers

Join the Y’s Early Education and Head Start team for a rewarding job that aligns with what you personally value and contributes to the good in our community. At the Y, working with children in early education child care means you’ll work with others who view a shared mission of creating a welcoming, safe, family atmosphere for children in our communities. Full-time and part-time positions are available in locations throughout the metro.


For a limited time, we are offering a Sign-On Bonus of $500 for Head Start Teachers and Assistant Teachers.