


Head Start

Ensure a Brighter Future

Created in 1965, Head Start is the most successful, longest-running national school readiness program in the United States. Eligible children receive education, nutrition and health services from YMCA Head Start programs which are federally funded. YMCA Head Start services are available for families that meet income eligibility guidelines or have a child with a diagnosed disability.

3 children on playground

Important Update
March 21, 2025

The Y has been honored to operate Head Start programs for the past 20 years. Despite years of dedicated effort to recruit and retain qualified staff in an increasingly difficult workforce environment, it is no longer sustainable to operate Head Start programs.

After much consideration, we made the difficult decision to transition out of Head Start programs. The last day will be May 23, 2025, as long as staffing allows.

We understand the challenges this creates for families and associates. We are working closely with Mid-America Regional Council (MARC), the Head Start grantee overseeing our programs, to assist families and associates.

We remain dedicated to youth development and will continue our other preschool and before and after school programs throughout the metro. 

Columbus Park YMCA Head Start

1100 E 4th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106

Northland YMCA Head Start

3100 NE 83rd Street
Suite 1501-A
Kansas City MO 64119

Park Hill YMCA Head Start

8100 N Congress
Kansas City, MO 64153

Thomas Roque YMCA Head Start

3800 E 51st Street
Kansas City, MO 64130

children's service fund of jackson county

Thanks to Children's Services Fund of Jackson County for funding to support staff training and behavior specialists. Funds support TraumaSmart Trauma-Informed Care training through our partnership with Crittenton Children's Center, and enable the Y to provide individualized support for children enrolled in those programs. Behavior specialists provide support for classroom management in addition to providing social-emotional learning training for staff.