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Guest Blog: Putting the Odds in Your Favor

YMCA of Greater Kansas City
Abril 17, 2018
Photo, Dr. Michelle Robin

Dr. Michelle Robin volunteers her time as a member of the YMCA of Greater Kansas City Board of Directors. YMCA of Greater Kansas City is a partner for her latest book, Small Changes, Big Shifts: Put the Odds in Your Favor. The following is an excerpt from the book, which you can download at

By Dr. Michelle Robin, D.C.

Your current state of well-being is not to be taken for granted. It can be compromised in an instant. I know because it happened to me. 

In June of 2015 I was on an early morning bike ride, training for a sprint triathlon, when I was clipped by a car. The result was ten fractures in my pelvis, hip, elbow, and thumb. I was laid up and unable to practice chiropractic for many months. The experience thoroughly tested my mind, body and spirit wellbeing.

There were many lessons from that time and since. I want to share a few with you here. If I had not spent the previous decade plus putting the odds in my favor for wellbeing, I very likely could have lost my business, my livelihood, my health, and much of my heart as a result of the accident.

Whether it is an accident, a chronic disease, a death in the family, the loss of a relationship, or a sudden illness, the work you do now will serve you as you heal, recover, and move forward.

1. Heal your heart. In my early 30s I participated in The Hoffman Process. Those seven days changed my life forever. During that week, I learned to forgive, let go and change the script that had been playing in my mind for years. Healing my heart helped me build a successful practice, maintain a loving relationship with my friends and family, and helped me stay strong after my accident. Wellness, health and happiness all starts with matters of the heart.

2. Know your why. Is it being there for your children, playing with grandchildren, being able to be active, or being healthy enough to live out your purpose? Regardless of your motivation, it is always easier to stay on the path of wellbeing if you’re clear about where you’re going and your why.

3. Take consistent action. Wellbeing is not something you can just buy in bulk at Costco when you need it. It is something you build day by day over time. That’s why I believe in small changes. They’re easier to make, do consistently, and fully integrate into your life. One small change can create a big shift in your wellbeing. Many small changes over time create a vibrant life. But you have to take action.

4. Find your tribe. It is important to share your wellness journey with others. They are the like-minded people with whom you surround yourself. They encourage and support you along the way. As you build your tribe, invite them to join you on this venture.

5. Celebrate the wins. As I was healing and recovering from the accident there were days it took everything out of me just to move across the room. I learned to celebrate every tiny success. They compound to create huge wins in your wellness journey.

About Dr. Michelle Robin

Dr. Michelle Robin is an international speaker, best-selling author, podcast host, and practicing chiropractor. She is the founder of Your Wellness Connection, P.A., one of the nation’s most successful integrative healing centers. She is the author of The E Factor: Engage, Energize, Enrich – 3 Steps to Vibrant Health, Wellness on a Shoestring: Seven Habits for a Healthy Life, as well as its companion curriculum, The Wellness on a Shoestring Program, and co-author of Succeeding In Spite of Everything. Her latest book, Small Changes, Big Shifts: Put the Odds in Your Favor, is FREE to DOWNLOAD at Connect with Dr. Robin on social media as @DrMichelleRobin and at and