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YMCA of Greater Kansas City
Julio 5, 2017
Swim Lessons - Water Acclimation

You’ve heard of the distracted driver? The same distractions are affecting parents and caregivers at the pool. 

The Y encourages all parents to put down the phone and actively watch their child in the water. Texting, looking at social media and reading are a few of the distractions that can cause the “watchers” to lose track of time and lose track of what their children are doing in the water.

Even when a lifeguard is present, the Y recommends that parents should always actively watch their children in the water. You know your child best and may be able to recognize signs of trouble long before a lifeguard.

If you have an inexperienced swimmer, have them wear a Coast Guard approved life jacket. If you have a young child in the water with you, always stay within an arm’s reach.

The Y’s official pool rules require an adult to be present for children ages 8 and younger. Kids 9 and older who have passed the Y’s swim test and are able to swim the length of the pool unassisted are able to swim without an adult. But always keep an eye on your child.

Be aware of your child’s abilities and comfort level in the water. The Y offers swimming classes that focus on fear issues for both children and adults. You also can ask for a free swim assessment to see what level of lessons is the best fit for you child.

Learn more and register for youth swim lessons.