
Swim Lessons: Stroke Introduction

Swim Strokes - Stage 4

Swim Strokes include three stages that cover introduction and refinement of swimming strokes. In this stage, swimmers learn additional water safety skills and build stroke technique, refine skills and improve stamina.

Young boy with goggles on swimming to instructor

Program Details

AGES: Preschool (3-5) or Youth (6-12)
TIME: 35 minutes per lesson
FEES: Vary by center

Stroke Introduction is the fourth stage of swim lessons and the first in the Swim Strokes category. Students develop the basic frontcrawl and backcrawl strokes and are introduced to components of the breaststroke and butterfly strokes. Students also build endurance and practice safety techniques for deep water.


This stage is available for preschool (ages 3-5) and youth (ages 6-12) at most centers.