After careful consideration over several years, the final day of operations for the Paul Henson Family YMCA will be December 20, 2024, with a closing time of 4 p.m. as staffing allows.
Discussions with the City of Prairie Village starting in 2019 allowed us to extend our operations as we explored the possibility of a new Prairie Village Community Center operated by the YMCA. Following the City Council’s decision on October 21 to cease exploration of a new community center despite widespread support for the project in two statistically valid community surveys, the Y determined it is no longer feasible to sustain the facility with the resources available.
We appreciate your support of the Y, and we understand the inconvenience this change may cause for you. Below is additional information about this transition.
Y Membership Transition
- The next closest Y location to the Paul Henson Family YMCA is the Cleaver Family YMCA, 7000 Troost, Kansas City, MO, 64131. If you would like to continue your membership there, you do not need to contact us. We will transfer your membership as of December 20, 2024.
- To transfer to a different location or if you would like to cancel your membership, contact Membership Support at 816.360.3311 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday or email Feedback@KansasCityYMCA.org.
- Your membership has always included access to all of the Y’s Greater Kansas City locations. You may begin using another Y at any time. For a list of all locations, visit KansasCityYMCA.org/Locations.
- To transfer to a different location or if you would like to cancel your membership, contact Membership Support at 816.360.3311 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday or email Feedback@KansasCityYMCA.org.
- To help with this transition, we will connect you to nearby Ys, including providing class schedules, opportunities for tours and introductions to staff.
- If you have access to the Y through a third-party insurance benefit, such as SilverSneakers®, Active and Fit®, Renew ActiveTM or AARP® Medicare Supplement, you do not need to contact the Y. Although the Paul Henson location will no longer be available, you may use your benefit to access other programs in the community at other YMCAs or providers covered by your plan.
- If you have any additional questions or if you would like to update your account, contact Membership Support at 816.360.3311 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday or email Feedback@KansasCityYMCA.org.
The Y is far more than a building—it is a dedicated network of supporters, volunteers, and staff committed to making a positive difference in our community, regardless of our physical presence.
As a nonprofit, the Y is committed to serving the Prairie Village community to the best of our ability while being good stewards of the resources available. The Y will continue to provide before and after school programs in the Shawnee Mission School district and at St. Ann School, as well as youth and adaptive sports in Prairie Village and surrounding communities. Looking toward the future, we will seek opportunities to bring additional YMCA services and potentially a facility to Johnson County, Kansas.