This is My Y Story
When my kids enrolled in soccer, I wasn’t too involved with practice or games. One time, I attended a practice session and the level of coaching wasn’t what I expected from paid coaching staff—I wasn’t aware that the coaching staff were just individuals volunteering their time. When I talked to my wife, she gave me the revelation and from that point on, I knew I had to get involved. Once I signed on to coach one session, I realized I was spending more time with my family doing something we all liked. The impact I was making to the other young men and women that I was coaching resulted in me signing on for coaching basketball as well. I have been volunteering my time to coach YMCA Challenger sport programs for soccer and basketball ever since. Coupled with a passion for teaching and having been involved in sports all my life, the need to share those experiences to our young people motivates me. I believe the biggest impact we can make is developing our youth to be health conscious and be socially responsible at a very young age. I find the Y’s cause to be in line with my belief system, and it’s very easy for me to try and make a contribution to that cause. The satisfaction to the whole volunteer process comes from when parents and kids request to be on your roster.