


The Y to Offer Child Care to Essential Employees and First Responders

YMCA Announcement

Updated March 30, 2020


With the closure of schools in our area as the community responds to COVID-19, the Y is offering child care for children of essential employees. 


The program is available to anyone who has essential employment and must leave their home to work during the “stay at home” order, including first responders, health care workers, grocery store employees and others providing important services.




Online registration is encouraged. Register online or download a PDF registration form. Please bring completed form to the site or fax both pages of this form to 816.931.1847.




Free care is available to employees of the following organizations, thanks to scholarship funding from the Health Forward Foundation.

  • Missouri: KC Care Clinic, Samuel U. Rodgers, Swope Health Services, Vibrant Health, Truman Medical Center, Tri-County Mental Health Services, Comprehensive Mental Health Services, Rediscover, Hope Family Care Center 
  • Kansas: Vibrant Health, Health Partnership of Johnson County, SW Blvd Family Health Care, Duchesne Clinic,  Wyandot Center, Johnson County Mental Health Center, Mercy and Truth
  • Apply Here




Thanks to Humana and other funders, scholarships are available to attend at low or no cost.
Apply Here




Bonner Springs School District - Delaware Ridge Elementary
1601 N 130th Street, Kansas City, KS 66109


Cleaver Family YMCA
7000 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64131


Linwood YMCA/James B. Nutter, Sr. Community Center
3800 E Linwood Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64128
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.


North Kansas City YMCA
1999 Iron Street, North Kansas City, MO 64116


Piper Middle School
4420 N 107th Street, Kansas City, KS 66109


Platte County - Pathfinder Elementary
1951 NW 87th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64154
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.


We are working to add more sites, including locations in Johnson County. 


Program Details


Dates: Starting March 23
Ages: 5-12 (Kindergarten through 6th Grade)
Cost: $150 a week or $35 a day. No registration fee. Lunch will be provided.


More Info


Registration details are available at For more information contact our Youth Development Services office by emailing


Health and Safety


The Y has been working closely with public health officials to put health and safety protocols in place to protect the children and associates. Safety is always a priority. Based on input from public health officials, the following procedures will be in place at our emergency child care locations:

  • Curbside check-in/out for children to limit people inside locations
  • Temporal scans of children upon entry
  • Small group structure
  • Mandatory hygiene breaks


We also will continue to follow health and safety guidelines that are always in place in our programs, including staff training in CPR, first aid, recognition of illnesses, signs and symptoms of abuse, child abuse prevention and risk management.


What to Bring

  • Completed Emergency Information Packet
    • Download Packet for Missouri Locations
    • Download Packet for Kansas Locations
  • Water bottle, homework and homework device (no backpack)

You can get the latest updates about the Y’s response to COVID-19 at