


How to Validate Your Parking at Kirk Family YMCA

Photograph of the Kirk Family YMCA building from across the street, with kiosk visible from the east entrance of the building.

To help ensure parking is available for Kirk Family YMCA members and program participants in our lot, we will begin validating parking on Monday, February 28, 2022. Y members and program participants may park in the lot for up to 3 hours at no cost with validation.


Below are details about how to access the Kirk Family YMCA lot and validate your parking. 


How to Access Parking:

  • Enter the lot by pushing the button on the kiosk to take a ticket. 
  • Visit the Parking Validation kiosk inside the east building entrance to validate your parking for 3 hours from the time you entered the lot.
  • At the parking gate, follow instructions on the screen to exit the lot with your validated ticket.


$35 Fee if Over 3 Hours

If you exceed 3 hours of parking or do not validate your parking, there is a $35 fee to exit, payable by credit card at the gate.


Thank you for your cooperation to ensure that we can continue to make parking available to our members and program participants.


If you have any questions, please visit the Welcome Center, email or call 816.842.9622.

Locations: Kirk Family YMCA